Hey, I guess they're right. Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose. Don't you go dying on me!
thankfully, the end of april also signifies something else: the beginning of summer movies. this is the time i switch from obsessively reading about and watching sports on the weekend, to obsessively reading about and watching movies on the weekend. truly, it is a magical time in this nerd's life.

so, here is part one of the upcoming movies of summer (and yes, summer starts in april according to hollywood). i've included links to the IMDB pages for all of the movies, so if you have questions on who's in it or a full plot synopsis, go there. i'll give you basically what i think about each movie. also, these are only the movies i plan on seeing, so if you're looking for a tidbit on the new Sex and the City movie (or as i like to call it, The Journey Into Obscurity: Kicking and Screaming), Shrek 15, or the new twilight abortion (i refuse to capitalize this) look elsewhere.
and here... we... go.
- we start off with Clash of the Titans. i should probably actually write a full review of this movie, as i've already seen it. frankly, the movie isn't worth the review. it sucked. i'd liken it to One Missed Call, in that it's just bad enough to be terrible, but not so bad that it's funny. i went into this one with extremely lowered expectations after reading reviews, and it still didn't live up to them. if you go see it, see it in 2D, and just ignore the lack of plot, coherence, and acting. the CGI stuff wasn't even that good, and that's what the movie was built around. sigh.
- and now on to movies i have hopes for. on april 16 we get Kick-Ass. this movie is based on a stand-alone graphic novel, which i own, and which is, well, kick ass. the thing seriously rocks. if they do this movie even remotely like the comic book, i can tell you 3 things: 1) it will be extremely violent; 2) you're going to be shocked/entertained by the little girl, and 3) if you're reading this blog, you'll probably like it. i have extremely high hopes for this movie, and if hollywood fucks it up, well, you'll hear about it.
- april 23 brings us The Losers. this is also based on a stand-alone graphic novel. clearly, hollywood cannot do anything original that's any good anymore, but as long as they use good source material, i'm ok with it. this movie has chris evans in it, and he's sweet. really, the guy is funny as hell. it also has Stringer Bell from The Wire, so that should be enough to ensure that Jerry, Brett, Nate, Aaron, and Powers go see it.
- rounding out april (the 30th) is A Nightmare on Elm Street. hollywood loves remakes right now, anyone who's seen a movie in the last 10 years can tell you. now, i've seen the remakes of Halloween and Friday the 13th, and i actually liked both of those. they were a pretty good homage to the slasher films of the 70s and 80s, and they featured two qualities that make slasher films great: 1) excessive and intricate deaths; and 2) gratuitous female nudity. let's hope that Elm Street continues the trend. oh, also a bit of fun trivia for you. the guy who is playing freddy is jackie earle haley (one ugly sonofabitch, i can tell you). back when the first movie was made, he needed someone to go with him to the audition, so he took his roommate. his roommate got the part, and it was his first ever movie role. you may have heard of this guy. the roommate was johnny depp. personally, i hope they reenact his death in the new movie (he gets sucked into his bed and spewed onto the ceiling in a fountain of gore. awesome).
- on may 7th, the big daddy of them all, possibly the most anticipated movie of the summer: Iron Man 2. people are really excited about this movie, myself included. there are actually predictions that it'll break The Dark Knight's opening weekend record. i honestly wouldn't doubt it, since there are two driving forces in the movie-going audience that one should never underestimate: nerds, and the horniness of teenage girls (see, e.g., Twilight and Titanic). it goes without saying that i'm excited about this one. the second movie in a superhero series tends to be the best one (The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2, X-Men 2, etc). it's not until the 3rd one that they really start fucking up. after that we get the 4th one, which is a total shitfest, and then the inevitable 5th movie, which is a remake. so this could be the last hurrah for iron man. hopefully they do it properly.
- may 14th gives us Robin Hood. this is ridley scott and russell crowe together again in a period piece. did you see gladiator? did you like it? of course you did. you'll probably like this one too. my only reservation is that cate blanchett is maid marian. that woman is not attractive. can they not get a hot older woman to be maid marian, just once? there are a billion actresses over 35 out there looking for work; give 'em a chance.
- if you'll notice, there's a good movie out every weekend from this friday till may 14th. that's a lot of movies for me to see, and it's gonna cost me. thank god may 21st gives me a break in MacGruber. will i see this one? only if someone else is paying. i'm including it on the list because SNL has actually been funny lately, and because any movie with the description "Rated R for strong crude and sexual content, violence, language and some nudity" tends to entertain me. if not, i'll play golf this weekend or something.
- may 28th brings us what could possibly be a milestone in hollywood history: the first time a movie based on a video game is actually worth watching. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is the whole disney/bruckheimer team, and while they don't make "good" movies, they do make entertaining ones. i actually like jake gyllenhall, and gemma arterton is hot, so at least this movie has those two perks going for it. it'll also feature some good special effects, and we can all continue to enjoy the decline in ben kinglsey's dignity. ghandi was a long fuckin' time ago, buddy; you'd better hold onto that oscar like grim death.
- also on may 28th, Survival of the Dead. ZOMBIES! if you need more of an explanation, you obviously have never met me.
- on the 4th, we have Get Him to the Greek. this is a spinoff from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, featuring the two funniest people from that movie, russell brand and jonah hill. jason segel has his moments, but i kinda hate him a bit after I Love You, Man and How I Met Your Mother (that show sucks, other than NPH, who is the man). at the very least, you can expect this movie to have some sweet dick jokes, and really, that's enough for the majority of this blog's readers.
- also on the 4th, Splice comes out. i mentioned this one in my last post. please, please let it be good. really, i want a good sci-fi horror movie, and i think that the devoted masses who grew up on this stuff in the 80s and 90s deserve to be rewarded for putting up with the recent slew of crap.
- june 11th, The A-Team. oh yes. i mean come on, this movie has jessica biel (one of the hottest women ever), liam neeson (have you seen Taken? go, watch it now), bradley cooper (second funniest guy in the Hangover), sharlto copley (who? oh Wikus from District 9, who got FUCKING ROBBED at the oscars), and quentin "rampage" jackson filling in for Mr. T. how can this movie NOT kick ass?
- also on june 11, The Karate Kid. no. just no. i love remakes, but this is going too far. you don't fuck with mr. miagi. you do not put jackie chan in his shoes. you do not put the spawn of will smith in china and tell him to be this generation's ralph macchio. this is just fucking wrong! i'm putting this one on here just so that you DON'T go see it. unless it's badass, in which case i'll eat my hat.
- june 18th, Jonah Hex. yet another graphic novel movie. i haven't really read too much about this one, but it looks like it's got some decent actors in it. and megan fox. god i hate that girl. is she hot? yes. is she a terrible actress? watch Jennifer's Body and try not to cringe. if there's any kind of a god, she'll go the lindsey lohan route, put out some nude pics, hit the fast track to the downward spiral, and all her subsequent movies will be straight to dvd. one can hope.
- june 25th, Grown Ups. i'm not quite ready to completely write off adam sandler. he's like an abusive spouse. everything was great when you were dating (SNL years), and then the first few years of marriage were amazing (Airheads, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Bulletproof). then, things started to change (The Wedding Singer, Big Daddy). you were ok with that change, and you thought you could live with it, but things got worse (Little Nicky, Mr. Deeds). then there was a tiny bright spot, and the bruises had almost healed (Spanglish, The Longest Yard). just when you weren't expecting it, he came home drunk, hit you again, and this time he put some stank on it (Click, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, You Don't Mess with the Zohan). ouch. this is your last chance, sandler, and it's only because you've got chris rock, steve buscemi, norm macdonald, david spade, and tim meadows helping you out. oh, and salma hayek. i've had a crush on her ever since Desperado.
- also on june 25th, Knight and Day. the previews for this actually look promising. also, i'm not a tom cruise hater like so many others. the man is nuttier than squirrel poo, and scientology barely edges out mormonism for craziest religion (a distant third: snake handlers), but he makes pretty decent movies. cameron diaz, well, yeah. she's no longer the funny goofy hot girl that she was in There's Something About Mary, or the sultry hot mistress that she was in The Mask, or the aggressive hot team owner in Any Given Sunday. sadly, the word "hot" and cameron diaz no longer go together. time has not been kind to this woman. it's a shame, as she was the shit in the early 90s.
oh, and if you're reading this, feel free to comment. i would actually like to know if people are reading this thing or not.
As far as Adam Sandler goes, I am not sure about Spanglish or the longest yard. They were just less terrible. Punch Drunk Love, however, was really good and brought me back into the fold (the classic "he brought me flowers and said he wont do it any more" moment of his career if following your analogy. Also, I think his movies have the shortest lead time from premier to TBS on a random sunday afternoon.
ReplyDeleteRe: the A team. When watching the ultimate fighter last season Quinten "Rampage" Jackson (he was one of the coaches) made it painfully clear that he has the IQ of a grapefruit. This, however, has not stopped Keannu Reaves from having a long and distinguished acting career.
Re Will Smith's kid- I will will grant him Ralph Machio upside, but also post karate kid Ralph Machio downside.
Re Stringer Bell- You forgot to add Billy, Dan, Matt (basically anybody who has watched the wire). He was even awesome on the office.
jerry, you're absolutely right that The Longest Yard wasn't good. it just wasn't bad. as for Spanglish, i actually liked it. that could be in large part to paz vega, who is incredibly hot. clearly, i have a thing for latinas.
ReplyDeletei'm sure quentin "rampage" jackson is functionally retarded. however, as long as i get the line "i pity the fool", i'm more than happy. and great point about keanu.
as for will smith's kid, i was really tempted to make a joke about the decline of ralph macchio. i'm glad you did it for me.
finally, i didn't know that billy or dan knew about this site. goldberg, yes. also, i really need to give The Wire another shot.
Iron Man/Iron Man 2 better 1-2 than Batman Begins/Dark Knight? I think it has the potential. I don't see IM2 beating out Dark Knight though; the death of Heath Ledger and the marketing campaign that included someone handing me a 'I Believe in Harvey Dent' t-shirt in downtown Minneapolis keep Dark Knight on top.
ReplyDeleteWhen can we have a Will Smith-less summer? It was cool in the 90's.
Any blog that talks about gratuitous female nudity and sweet dick jokes has my attention. Looking forward to July/August.
Nice round up, but no mention of The Human Centipede? Of everything listed here have to say I'm most looking forward to A Nightmare on Elm Street and Robin Hood.
ReplyDeleteRE: "The Journey Into Obscurity: Kicking and Screaming" - nice! While I plan on seeing this, watching a 54 year old Kim Cattrall get naked isn't very appealing. The plot also seems to have been taken from Bridget Jones 2, which doesn't bode well (wrong audience, I know, but trust me)
RE: Robin Hood - Just be happy they didn't pick Tilda Swinton.
RE: Chris Evans - you're right, he is really hot
RE: Grown Ups - did you ever see Funny People? It has a good cast and Apatow's golden-touch and still didn't deliver. Sandler has completely lost his relevance (though, I'd still see any of his movies before a Will Ferrell or Ben Stiller flick).
And, as I said already, Kick Ass looks absolutely terrible. (though, the poster art is pretty sweet)
mike, you're right that the viral campaign behind dark knight was amazing. i remember that you could decode a message online, go to a bowling alley in san francisco, use the code to open a specific locker, and in the locker was a cell phone with a message from the joker, or something like that. pretty in-depth. also, i don't think iron man 2 will top the dark knight, but i can see it taking around 140 million. people are pretty hyped. and i don't think there's an actual will smith movie this summer, which kinda makes me sad, because i really like the guy. hancock was underrated.
ReplyDeletegina, tilda swinton may be the ugliest woman in the world. nate and i discussed that abraham's wife from the bible is the ugliest woman in history (90 yrs old, no beauty products, no hair removal, lot of sweating, sun damage, etc), but i think tilda swinton would give her a run for her money. sadly, tilda has no problems getting naked, and the world is a sadder place for it. also, i haven't seen Funny People, but i plan on seeing it soon. i feel like i just have to know if it's as bad as people say. why do i keep crawling back to you sandler?
Re Funny People- The first half is pretty good if it just stayed with the here are loser friends who all do stand up and here is this famous stand up and we aren't going to have any plot so just watch all the dick jokes and what not instead of going into a whole "I'm dying" "I have to find my long lost love" "I need to grow a sack and mack on the cute indie chick" "fame has perks but is generally unfulfilling" bullshit it would have been much better. Just turn the movie off about 75-80ish minutes in. Trust me.
ReplyDeleteAdam you say that Cate Blanchett is not an attractive woman, but the role of Maid Marion was originally going to be played by Siena Miller... Considering this is supposed to be the "true story" of Robin Hood, can you really picture Siena, a very desirable woman I might add, fitting into that role with her blonde hair and perky good looks. I feel that Cate not only fits the role in her appearance, but also in her manner and the way she portrays herself. There is a nobility that she possesses which can only add to her performance. Plus she was Galadriel in LOTR, so she gets the benefit of the doubt from me.