anyway, what better way to spend my obligatory office hours period than blogging about stuff. it's not like any of my students ever show up anyway (fuckers). so as a way to jump back into the swing of things, i'm going to take a different approach than my previous posts. this one isn't going to review a movie, it's going to discuss a person. that person, you may have guessed, is simon pegg.

this guy is seriously one of the funniest people i've ever seen. i never got the chance to see shaun of the dead in theaters. i think i rented the movie sometime and just watched it by myself, laughing my ass off the entire time. it is, by far, the greatest zombie movie ever made. after seeing that movie, i was hooked. next up was hot fuzz, which isn't quite as good, but only because the awesomeness of shaun of the dead can never be met. hot fuzz is a fantastic movie. it has a decent amount of funny parts in the first 3/4 of the movie, and then it sortof shifts...
how does it shift, you say?
it shifts by becoming a completely badass action movie, and it kicks off the action with simon pegg jump kicking an 80 yr old woman in the face. i'm serious. i saw this one in theaters, and i nearly peed my fucking pants. the next 20 minutes of the movie are a blur of a gunfight where simon pegg and nick frost take on the residents of a sleepy english village. those residents, with their harmless-seeming english accents, are all packing heat. when the elderly priest whips two .45's from his sleeves, i fucking lost it. i tried to watch this movie last night, but my copy of it is scratched. gonna have to remedy that right quick...
after hot fuzz, pegg has done some american movies, namely how to lose friends and alienate people. i haven't seen this yet, but i'm not expecting great things. he needs nick frost and edgar wright to really shine.
speaking of nick frost and edgar wright, i finally picked up Spaced, the tv show where that trio started off. it's a bbc tv show that ran back around the turn of the millenium, and it recently got released to american dvd audiences. thank fucking god it did. the only thing wrong with this show is that it was only on for 2 seasons, and those seasons are only 7 episodes each.
so why is Spaced so great? well, first off, there's the music. completely awesome. i've already picked up about 10 songs from the show, and i love them. there's a few out there that are really hard to find, and i'm still working on it. so the music helps, but what makes it really great is that pegg is just like me. he wants to be a graphic artist for a comic book company (what i wanted to do when i was really young, before i got jaded and became a lawyer), he loves science fiction, fantasy, and comic books, he smokes weed and drinks beer, he plays a lot of video games, he has a best friend who he does all of this stuff with (Brad, Brett, Curtis, Jerad, Mark, Bly, Pat, etc.), and he generally just doesn't want to grow up. oh, and he hates The Phantom Menace. seriously. it's a recurring theme in the entire second season...
along that line, there are a lot of references in the show to awesome movies that i happen to really like, such as the matrix, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, the first star wars trilogy, fight club, and pulp fiction. some of these references are subtle, some are not. they're not like family guy, though, where there's one every 30 seconds, and it's a complete departure from all plot. no, this stuff is just worked in, and it pays off. i'm sure Aaron heard me laughing like a maniac in my room while watching the first season. most of these references are why...
so yeah, go out and rent pegg's stuff. you won't be disappointed. simon, if you ever read this, i want to be your best friend. seriously. i just want to hang out with you and nick frost, get loaded, and have a blast. i'd die a happy man if that ever happened...
oh, and for those of you who may wonder what an episode of Spaced is actually about, here's a preview: in one episode, pegg took a bunch of cheap speed and spends most of the day playing resident evil 2 on playstation. he then goes to a friend's art show under extreme duress, and a solid amount of the episode revolves around how fucking stupid modern art is. pegg then flips out, thinks everyone are zombies, punches a painted up tranny in the face (seriously), and rescues his friends from the shittiness of the art show after-party.
just drink that in.
and now, to tide you over, here are some quotes from Spaced:
(tim is pegg, daisy is his roommate,
Daisy: I never said that.
Tim: Yeah, but it'd be good though, wouldn't it?
Tim: Porn.
Daisy: Tim, I'm not going to buy you porn. You can get it from railway sidings like everybody else.
Tim: I can't, I'm an adult. I'm supposed to leave it there.
good use of "duress." it's one of my 11th graders' vocabulary words.
ReplyDeletethe Point Break references in Hot Fuzz are priceless.