she will be mine. oh yes, she will be mine...
the movie also has kirsten dunst. i used to have a giant crush on her due to such gems as Bring it On and the rain scene from Spider-Man. now, i'm pretty much over her due to her stinginess with onscreen nudity and her weird little teeth. she does fine in this movie, but is definitely second fiddle hotness wise to megan fox.

if you want to see this movie, go ahead. there are worse ways to spend an afternoon with a significant other, and you'll definitely crack up at the stripper scene. yes, that's right, there's a stripper scene that had me laughing for a few minutes. simon pegg must've thrown that one in to keep people interested. there's also a sweet scene involving the death-by-crushing of a chihuaha (the steve buscemi of the animal kingdom), and if you like british humor, you'll like the rest of the comedy. the movie is pretty standard though, and definitely nothing groundbreaking. the reason i write about it, then, is to address a serious problem in hollywood's portrayal of relationships. how many times have you seen this scenario unfold in a movie?
Act One:
guy meets girl. they clash at first, but eventually start becoming friends/coworkers/zombie-hunters (only in my dreams), and soon start to realize that, shockingly enough, they have a lot in common. her favorite movie is some piece of black and white trash from the 30's that people only say they like to sound intelligent; he just happens to find the soundtrack to the movie at a used record store on vinyl, and he gives it to her as a present "just because." things look good at this point...

Act Two:
guy is about to make a move on girl, because he realizes that they should be together and make lots of babies. just as guy is about to proclaim his love for girl, girl breaks the news that she's getting back together with her boyfriend. enter boyfriend, who is inherently the douchiest motherfucker known to man, usually wearing something straight out of GQ. it is a scientific fact that this fucker will cheat on the girl, talk down to her, and generally treat her like shit. for some reason, girl puts up with this and goes back with guy because apparently deep down, boyfriend is a really sweet guy (ie, he's rich, attractive, and a nice status symbol for the girl because she is inherently a dirty dirty tramp). guy cannot proclaim his love for girl because boyfriend has conveniently (for the plot, not for guy) stepped in just before guy makes it awkward for everyone. guy retreats to his sanctuary, realizes that he needs to move on with his life, and decides to try to put his unmatched love behind him...

Act Three:
guy becomes successful. he gets a big break in his job in which he was previously struggling, he starts making a bunch of friends in high places, he rakes in all sorts of sweet poon. things are looking up for guy. he's living the fucking high life, and girl is stuck with the douchebag boyfriend who she shouldn't have been with in the first place if she wasn't a complete fucking cunt moron. douchebag boyfriend does something to fuck up the relationship, usually involving cheating on the girl or calling her life's dream retarded. girl hates life. all is well in the universe...

Act Four:
girl decides to "drop in" on guy to see how he's doing, catch up, seek out that long lost love that she fucking well knew was there but never did a goddamn thing about because she was too fucking stupid to see what was right in front of her cunt-tastic eyes. girl inevitably catches guy being awesome, ie, immediately pre- or post-coitus, usually with some tramp that is way hotter than girl anyway. girl makes guy feel guilty in that subtle feminine way: "oh, you're busy, that's... cool... i'll see you later... i guess... (grimace/tears in eyes/anger)" guy feels like shit...

Act Five:
guy realizes that his awesome life is not so awesome because he was missing girl all along, and was trying to fill the void left by her absence with money, clubbing, sex with models, drugs, alcohol, and general merriment with his coolest guy friends. guy goes back to girl, tells her he loves her all along and was wrong to ever let her get out of his sight. girl feigns ignorance and plays a little hard to get, but the two quickly work it out, usually with the guy admitting that his life of awesomeness was a stupid decision. guy and girl kiss, and the two end up happily ever after. yay...

fuck you hollywood. seriously. fuck you right in your giant bleeding vagina. any man who fucking writes scripts like this deserves to have his cock and balls removed and crushed before his eyes. i mean come on, are your harpy wives hanging over you day and night as you write the script, or are you just placating the masses of single 20-somethings that want to have their own spineless jellyfish of a man that will chase them around and do everything for them? whichever one's the case, check your artistic talent at the door, you are officially a fucking hack. you are no better than the writers who say "there's trouble in the middle east right now, let's make a taut political thriller that involves a bunch of arabs planning to blow shit up." how come it's always the guy that has to feel guilty? how come it's always his fault that he wasn't available when the girl comes knocking on his door, months after she made it clear that he has no chance in hell? what the fuck was he supposed to do, sit there and wait for her while she got her jollies off with the douchebag boyfriend? fuck no, he's gonna go out there and get some ass. it's her own damn fault if she didn't take the opportunity when it was staring her in the face...
once, just once, i'd like to see a bit of cynicism in the movies. and by cynicism i mean realism. i'm sure every person out there has had that unrequited love, that one crush that they fell for so hard and got completely and utterly burned by. every girl has had the guy who they would die for, yet doesn't even know the girl exists. every guy has listened to a girl bitch about her boyfriend and said to himself (and often her) "if you were with me, i'd treat you like a queen" only to have her say that she loves you like a brother/it would ruin the friendship. and you know what, that's fine. people need that heartbreak to keep them grounded. sure, it sucks balls, but it makes you realize that significant others are not some god/goddess to be put on a pedestal. they're a human being, and they have their faults. we need those experiences to teach us how to move on in life, how to put bad times behind us so that we can keep our sanity.
so hollywood, just once, have the guy actually move on. have him enjoy his newfound life. have him realize that he regretted not getting with the girl, but that he's doing just fine now. have him not leave his amazing success in order to prostrate himself before the girl that was A) too blind to realize the good thing staring her in the face, and B) too stupid to realize that the guy she was with before was a giant fucking tool who would fuck her over. when she shows up just as he's running around in a robe chasing a half-naked girl around his apartment, have him say "hey, i'm busy, show back up in 30, no, make it 45 minutes..."
or better yet, have the guy take a little joy in realizing that the ball is in his court now. have him rub her nose in it. when she shows up at his apartment, have him tell her that she had her chance but went with captain dickhole, so now she has to live with her decision. slam door, roll credits. if that seems like too quick of an ending, have him spitefuck her. that's right, i said it. have the guy get back with the girl, rail the everloving shit out of her, and then tell her that's what she's been missing, and she's never going to get it again. let's have some sweet sweet sexual revenge. or maybe he can use his newfound position of relationship power to get her to do all sorts of stuff, like clean his apartment, buy him things, or anal. the possibilities are endless, really...
yes, all of that may sound pretty misogynistic, but really, what do you expect? life doesn't give you many second chances. that girl you desperately loved in high school but never got with? yeah, you're never going to get that chance again. that girl in college that you were best friends with but fucked your roommate? yeah, she's gone too. odds are, you're better off anyway. i know you've all checked out your past crushes online to see what's going on in their lives. facebook is great for showing us just how shitty people's lives have turned out, and it's fucking sweet. there's nothing like seeing the girl that was too good for you in high school end up marrying some balding redneck, popping out a few half-retarded children, and winding up stuck in some dead-end job. if you don't get a secret sense of joy from that, you're a fucking liar. so instead of having people spend those miracle second chances making a sweet lasting relationship with the girl, let's have the people realistically get that shit out of their system. it should go a little something like this:
girl: oh my god, it's been so long since i've seen you! you look great! what have you been up to?
guy: well, i moved away, went to college for 4 amazing years, got a sweet job, have a bunch of awesome friends, and generally just have the time of my life. you?
girl: that's so cool. i married my boyfriend from high school, you remember him, right? we have a kid now. he has special needs, but that's ok... i'm ok with it... *sniffle*
guy: aww, that's gotta be tough...
girl: yeah... you know, i always kinda had a thing for you in school...
guy: really? cause i asked you out like 168 times, and you always told me we were just friends.
girl: well, i was young then, but i know better now.
-cut to an hour later after they've had rough sex-
girl: that was amazing...
guy: i've had better. there's cab fare on the dresser. have fun with your retarded kid...
-guy leaves, checking one major regret off of his list. girl cries, realizing the life she could've had if she hadn't been a complete fucking moron-
i'd definitely pay $10 to see that scene in a movie. girls in the audience would boo, men everywhere would stand up and cheer. all would be right in the universe...
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: perpetuating the stereotype that it's somehow always the guy's fault. at least the stripper scene was funny...
Act One:
guy meets girl. they clash at first, but eventually start becoming friends/coworkers/zombie-hunters (only in my dreams), and soon start to realize that, shockingly enough, they have a lot in common. her favorite movie is some piece of black and white trash from the 30's that people only say they like to sound intelligent; he just happens to find the soundtrack to the movie at a used record store on vinyl, and he gives it to her as a present "just because." things look good at this point...

Act Two:
guy is about to make a move on girl, because he realizes that they should be together and make lots of babies. just as guy is about to proclaim his love for girl, girl breaks the news that she's getting back together with her boyfriend. enter boyfriend, who is inherently the douchiest motherfucker known to man, usually wearing something straight out of GQ. it is a scientific fact that this fucker will cheat on the girl, talk down to her, and generally treat her like shit. for some reason, girl puts up with this and goes back with guy because apparently deep down, boyfriend is a really sweet guy (ie, he's rich, attractive, and a nice status symbol for the girl because she is inherently a dirty dirty tramp). guy cannot proclaim his love for girl because boyfriend has conveniently (for the plot, not for guy) stepped in just before guy makes it awkward for everyone. guy retreats to his sanctuary, realizes that he needs to move on with his life, and decides to try to put his unmatched love behind him...

Act Three:
guy becomes successful. he gets a big break in his job in which he was previously struggling, he starts making a bunch of friends in high places, he rakes in all sorts of sweet poon. things are looking up for guy. he's living the fucking high life, and girl is stuck with the douchebag boyfriend who she shouldn't have been with in the first place if she wasn't a complete fucking cunt moron. douchebag boyfriend does something to fuck up the relationship, usually involving cheating on the girl or calling her life's dream retarded. girl hates life. all is well in the universe...

Act Four:
girl decides to "drop in" on guy to see how he's doing, catch up, seek out that long lost love that she fucking well knew was there but never did a goddamn thing about because she was too fucking stupid to see what was right in front of her cunt-tastic eyes. girl inevitably catches guy being awesome, ie, immediately pre- or post-coitus, usually with some tramp that is way hotter than girl anyway. girl makes guy feel guilty in that subtle feminine way: "oh, you're busy, that's... cool... i'll see you later... i guess... (grimace/tears in eyes/anger)" guy feels like shit...

Act Five:
guy realizes that his awesome life is not so awesome because he was missing girl all along, and was trying to fill the void left by her absence with money, clubbing, sex with models, drugs, alcohol, and general merriment with his coolest guy friends. guy goes back to girl, tells her he loves her all along and was wrong to ever let her get out of his sight. girl feigns ignorance and plays a little hard to get, but the two quickly work it out, usually with the guy admitting that his life of awesomeness was a stupid decision. guy and girl kiss, and the two end up happily ever after. yay...

fuck you hollywood. seriously. fuck you right in your giant bleeding vagina. any man who fucking writes scripts like this deserves to have his cock and balls removed and crushed before his eyes. i mean come on, are your harpy wives hanging over you day and night as you write the script, or are you just placating the masses of single 20-somethings that want to have their own spineless jellyfish of a man that will chase them around and do everything for them? whichever one's the case, check your artistic talent at the door, you are officially a fucking hack. you are no better than the writers who say "there's trouble in the middle east right now, let's make a taut political thriller that involves a bunch of arabs planning to blow shit up." how come it's always the guy that has to feel guilty? how come it's always his fault that he wasn't available when the girl comes knocking on his door, months after she made it clear that he has no chance in hell? what the fuck was he supposed to do, sit there and wait for her while she got her jollies off with the douchebag boyfriend? fuck no, he's gonna go out there and get some ass. it's her own damn fault if she didn't take the opportunity when it was staring her in the face...
once, just once, i'd like to see a bit of cynicism in the movies. and by cynicism i mean realism. i'm sure every person out there has had that unrequited love, that one crush that they fell for so hard and got completely and utterly burned by. every girl has had the guy who they would die for, yet doesn't even know the girl exists. every guy has listened to a girl bitch about her boyfriend and said to himself (and often her) "if you were with me, i'd treat you like a queen" only to have her say that she loves you like a brother/it would ruin the friendship. and you know what, that's fine. people need that heartbreak to keep them grounded. sure, it sucks balls, but it makes you realize that significant others are not some god/goddess to be put on a pedestal. they're a human being, and they have their faults. we need those experiences to teach us how to move on in life, how to put bad times behind us so that we can keep our sanity.
so hollywood, just once, have the guy actually move on. have him enjoy his newfound life. have him realize that he regretted not getting with the girl, but that he's doing just fine now. have him not leave his amazing success in order to prostrate himself before the girl that was A) too blind to realize the good thing staring her in the face, and B) too stupid to realize that the guy she was with before was a giant fucking tool who would fuck her over. when she shows up just as he's running around in a robe chasing a half-naked girl around his apartment, have him say "hey, i'm busy, show back up in 30, no, make it 45 minutes..."
or better yet, have the guy take a little joy in realizing that the ball is in his court now. have him rub her nose in it. when she shows up at his apartment, have him tell her that she had her chance but went with captain dickhole, so now she has to live with her decision. slam door, roll credits. if that seems like too quick of an ending, have him spitefuck her. that's right, i said it. have the guy get back with the girl, rail the everloving shit out of her, and then tell her that's what she's been missing, and she's never going to get it again. let's have some sweet sweet sexual revenge. or maybe he can use his newfound position of relationship power to get her to do all sorts of stuff, like clean his apartment, buy him things, or anal. the possibilities are endless, really...
yes, all of that may sound pretty misogynistic, but really, what do you expect? life doesn't give you many second chances. that girl you desperately loved in high school but never got with? yeah, you're never going to get that chance again. that girl in college that you were best friends with but fucked your roommate? yeah, she's gone too. odds are, you're better off anyway. i know you've all checked out your past crushes online to see what's going on in their lives. facebook is great for showing us just how shitty people's lives have turned out, and it's fucking sweet. there's nothing like seeing the girl that was too good for you in high school end up marrying some balding redneck, popping out a few half-retarded children, and winding up stuck in some dead-end job. if you don't get a secret sense of joy from that, you're a fucking liar. so instead of having people spend those miracle second chances making a sweet lasting relationship with the girl, let's have the people realistically get that shit out of their system. it should go a little something like this:
girl: oh my god, it's been so long since i've seen you! you look great! what have you been up to?
guy: well, i moved away, went to college for 4 amazing years, got a sweet job, have a bunch of awesome friends, and generally just have the time of my life. you?
girl: that's so cool. i married my boyfriend from high school, you remember him, right? we have a kid now. he has special needs, but that's ok... i'm ok with it... *sniffle*
guy: aww, that's gotta be tough...
girl: yeah... you know, i always kinda had a thing for you in school...
guy: really? cause i asked you out like 168 times, and you always told me we were just friends.
girl: well, i was young then, but i know better now.
-cut to an hour later after they've had rough sex-
girl: that was amazing...
guy: i've had better. there's cab fare on the dresser. have fun with your retarded kid...
-guy leaves, checking one major regret off of his list. girl cries, realizing the life she could've had if she hadn't been a complete fucking moron-
i'd definitely pay $10 to see that scene in a movie. girls in the audience would boo, men everywhere would stand up and cheer. all would be right in the universe...
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People: perpetuating the stereotype that it's somehow always the guy's fault. at least the stripper scene was funny...
This is the problem with being a movie person. I came into Adam's room last night and he was watching this crappy movie.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I like anything enough to sit and watch something I know will be crappy.
I take that back, I was a 49ers season ticket holder.
I'm glad you decided to tag this with 'nipples' Good rant, and its totally true about looking up old crushes on facebook.
ReplyDeletewell really man, take a look at those megan fox pictures. how could i NOT tag this with "nipples"?
ReplyDeleteThe one exception I can think of is the break-up. They didn't get back together in the end.
ReplyDeleteAnd I would also pay the $10 for that last scene. I love the parting line. Nice rant.